Category: ENG 110 Blog

Coordination and Subordination

COORDINATION: • Marge herself never truly acquired the Discourse she needed to write papers, but because Susan had the Discourse Marge was able to “mushfake”.  This sentence is compound because it talks about Marge not truly acquiring a discourse and Marge “mushfaking” a discourse.  These parts are emphasized equally because I want the reader to see the connection between “mushfake” and true acquisition.   • While Gee’s idea of social…

4 Moves, Gee, Delpit, Jordan.

  Gee’s theory of “Mushfake Discourse” is extremely useful because it sheds light on the difficult problem of partial acquisition vs. true acquisition.  Gee explains the term “Mushfake Discourse” as, “partial acquisition coupled with meta-knowledge and strategies to ‘make do’”(Gee 13). I agree with Gee’s idea here because “mushfake” is a simple and understandable concept that is complicated when placed in the context of Discourse. I agree that unlike Gee’s…

Revision Plan, Paper 1

What big concerns did you have about your draft as you completed the first draft? One of my biggest concerns about my draft is a lack of my own opinion.  More specifically I think it needs to be more pronounced throughout the paper.  Also, I’m worried I haven’t explained my quotes enough.   What did your peers like most about your paper? Be specific, perhaps by quoting from one (or…

Lisa Delpit’s Objections to Gee

Delpit’s first objection to Gee is that, “people who have not been born into dominant discourses will find it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to acquire such a discourse”.  What Delpit is explaining is that a dominant discourse can be learned unlike the belief of Gee. Delpit shares stories of people successfully learning dominant discourses and says, “These are stories of commitment and transformation.  They show how people, given the…

Annotations for Reading Delpit, February 14

Starting They Say/I Say

One reason it is important to engage others’ views is because in turn, you are allowing more readers to identify with your writing, “The important thing is that the “they” (or “you” or “she”) represent some wider group with which readers might identify–”.  Even if the reader doesn’t agree with you, they may agree with they “they”, and you writing will still have meaning to them. Another reason is to…

Connecting Gee and Jordan

  The first theorem states that you are either are part of a discourse or you aren’t.  This is controversial because it seems like there should be an in between of some sort. The second theorem states that a primary discourse is very basic in the sense that it needs additional discourses to become powerful.   Gee explains “Mushfake” as, “make do”. Meta-knowledge is being aware of what you know,…

Paper Like Things for February 7th

(200-300 Word Text-to-Self Connection) Gee defines Discourses (capital D) as “saying (writing)-doing-being-valuing, believing combinations” (6). Why is this “combination” important for Gee? Gee offers a couple examples. Offer your own example of a Discourse in your response, making sure to be specific about the linkages you see between the elements of the combination in your example Gee describes the “combination” that defines Discourse as being present in the world.  It…

Annotating Gee and Jordan, February 7th

1. These annotations in Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan are understanding, questioning, and text to world annotations.  I chose to annotate this part because initially I was very thrown off my the whole buffalo thing, but then it made a lot of sense.   2. This paragraph in Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan sparked a…

Literacy Narrative Podcast

This narrative titled “The Hard Books” describes my elementary school experience with reading, and how it changed me.  The task of writing a narrative, recording it, and editing it was very new to me.  While at times difficult, I am pleased with my end result.  

