Small Sponsor Big Influencer? Podcast #3

Reworking an academic paper into a podcast was similar to writing a paper in reverse.  Beginning with heavy detail, I had to work backwards to find simpler skeleton.  As a writer my brain works better in simplicity, I struggle to elaborate.  With this being said, simplifying my paper was both a challenge to keep enough detail, and easy to simplify my paper.  This podcast is much better than my others…

Podcast Planning

For my podcast I’m going to be translating my paper into a more conversational piece.  I think by asking more questions and making suggestions will make my podcast more inviting to listeners and allow them to work with the podcast and form their own ideas.  It’s important that I’m not just speaking at my audience, but instead conversing with them.  I will also be removing explanations of quotes and forming…

Reflecting on Revision – Paper 2

Introduction- I changed the opening sentence of my introduction, better introduced my sources, and changed the wording of my claim.  Overall I pretty much rewrote my entire introduction. Evidence and explanation- I clarified all connections from evidence to my claim.  For an example, in my third paragraph I quoted from Jordan in my first draft when she discusses one guys forgettable mouthing off.  In my final draft I explained why…

Engaging the Literacy Acquisition Conversation – Sample Barclay’s Paragraphs

LN- Samantha Martineau: this annotation shows me clarifying what the author was doing.   Paragraph I: An example of a larger overarching influencer on literacy narratives is pressure from the opinions of society.  Influencers that are greater than a sponsor can have a huge impact on a literacy narrative, and example would be the pressure of the economy people place on themselves.  Brandt describes how the economy affects the literate…

Relevant Narratives in Rising Cairn

The ideas of a larger overarching influencer on students interests me. Literacy Narratives that may help support this idea: Live or Die Gaining Independence LN-Samantha Martineau Don’t Knock it Till You Try it The Issue of Adapting to a New School While Struggling in Class No One but Myself  

Literacy Narrative Annotations

Sponsorship? -B Teachers as sponsors -W Little Narratives -A&W Sponsors (teachers and others) and little narratives- A,B,W Sponsors?-B Little narrative of Victim? -A Teacher as sponsor- W Success narrative- W&A

Some Categories in Sample Narratives

Passion for Writing Sam shows a shifting identity. “This shift opens the door for more complex and nuanced considerations of literacy practices” (Williams 343). ”That’s when I began to gain an appreciation and excitement to write because I could paint a picture through my writing using my creative spirit”, “While I don’t fully agree with having to write about topics that are not of interest because it limits our creative…

Alexander, Brandt, Williams Reading Responses.

200 words, roughly. “Literacy, like land, is a valued commodity in this economy, a key resource in gaining profit and edge” (Brandt 558). If literacy is so valued, why might so many of us have such complicated relationships to reading and writing, perhaps two of the most important features of literacy? Make a text-to-text or text-to-self connection in your response. (15 minutes) The high value placed on reading and writing…

Alexander, Brandt, and Williams Annotations

Alexander pg. 609:  Questions the validity of a statement.   Alexander pg. 611:Clarifies/defines the term Little Narrative.   Alexander pg. 612:  Clarifies the purpose of the paper.   Williams pg. 344:  Clarifies the purpose of this paper.   Williams pg. 343:  Draws connection between Williams and Alexander.   Brandt pg.167:  Clarification/definition of Sponsors.   Brandt pg. 166:  Clarification of the incorporation of economic forces.   Williams pg. 343:  Draws relationship between William’s…

Works Cited- Delpit, Gee, Jordan.

Works Cited Delpit, Lisa. “The Politics of Teaching Literate Discourse.” Literacy, a Critical Sourcebook,  Edited by Ellen Cushman, Eugene Kintgen, Barry Kroll, Mike Rose, Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2001, pp. 545-554. Gee, James. “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction.” Journal of Education, vol. 171, no. 1, 1989, pp. 5-17. Jordan, June. “Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan.” Harvard Educational Review, vol. 58, no. 3,…

