Peer Review

When first tasked with peer reviewing I was less than pleased.  Throughout high school peer reviewing had always been more like busy work, resulting in everyone receiving comments such as “great work”, or “explain”.  These comments were extremely vague and held hardly any purpose in revisions. Peer reviewing in English 110 was much different. I learned to read deeper into my peers work.  The graded criteria also pushed me to make comments the were constructed as well as connected to the writing prompt. For me it was easiest to closely follow the peer review guidelines written for each paper as it kept me on track and ensured that I would be making useful comments.  In the future I would like to be able to make comments without such a rigid structure in place to ensure I’m commenting on the correct topics. When peer reviewing Evelyn’s paper I included a nice range of comments on different topics such as the claim, use of evidence, and the introduction of other texts.  I also provided feedback that was constructive and helpful for the writer when revising.  An example of this would be comment 4.  While I did write constructive comments, I also verified area where the writer did a nice job seen in comment 3.  While one or two of these types of comments seems to be okay, I had a few too many.   I can grow in this area by not telling them their work is wrong, but telling them ways in which it could be improved.


Peer Review PDF

