Integrating Ideas

Throughout high school I alway s considered sources to be a nuisance.  However, in this course I learned to use them as more that just clarification, or support of what I am discussing.  Quotes can be used to bring up arguments, or provide a basis for an agree-disagree statement.  I also learned how to introduce these kinds of quotes in a way that will support their use towards my claim instead of just stating them.  In my significant writing project I show my ability to select, integrate, and explain quotes.

“Influencers that are greater than sponsors have a huge impact on a literacy narrative. An example would be the economy and the pressure people place on themselves to keep up with it. In Brandt’s writing, she describes how the economy affects people’s literary skills, “At the same time people’s literate skills have grown vulnerable to unprecedented turbulence in their economic value, as conditions, forms, and standards of literacy achievement seem to shift with almost every new generation of learners” (166). While the economy may be inclusive of a sponsor, such as a teacher teaching economic success, it is more broad than a sponsor”.

By using this quote from Brandt, I am able to provide an example from the text which supports my claim, while also arising questions of what the authors viewpoint on my claim is.  I introduce this quote by its topic first and then Brandt’s association with it.  Lastly I explain this quote through terms of my individual claim.  Overall, I was able to use a quote for my own purpose and not to just meet the requirement of using a quote.

