Significant Writing Project

Literacy Narrative Analysis Project:

This writing project stems from our first assignment in this class which was to write our own literacy narrative.  At the time, I was not a huge fan of literacy narratives, and in all honesty I still am not a fan.  However, I now understand the purpose of literacy narratives which lends some appreciation to them.  For my literacy narrative analysis project I used writings from Debora Brant and Kara Poe Alexander alongside actual student literacy narratives to form my idea of a larger overarching influencer.  The reason I have chosen this project as my significant writing project because of its originality.  In class discussions we shared our ideas and nobody else had one exactly like mine, this also made it more challenging.  My final draft for this project was not quite what I had expected it to be, and I think that is a good thing.

Overarching Influencers

