ENV 104

Official Course Description of ENV 104:

ENV 104 is an interdisciplinary introduction to environmental problems which emphasizes that humans are part of ecosystems within interdependent cycles which involve other organisms, air, water, chemicals, and energy. This course examines the relationships of humans to their environment from historical, economic, scientific, aesthetic, and ethical perspectives.


My Course Description of ENV 104:

Introduction to Environmental Issues introduces students to many connections that are made between humans and ecosystems.  We learned about a variety of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, and carcinogens that are found in household cleaners.  Throughout this course we were taught a lot of information all of which connected to the concept of global warming and pollution.  Outside of lectures we also wrote short papers, made a slideshow on a chosen topic (my groups was garbage disposal into the ocean), and we watched a film showing the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet.  I predicted my least favorite activity of those listed would be writing 3 short papers on a chosen topic.  That was until I decided to write on the dangers of household cleaning products and their connection to cancer.  I made a connection to a family member who has recently passed from cancer in my writing called “A Sip of Windex”.


A Sip of Windex

